
Archive for August, 2010

Close of Service

This week, I will be traveling to Lima for the Peru 12 Close of Service (COS) conference. This is a time when all of the volunteers who arrived to Peru with me in September, 2008, come together to reflect on the experiences that they have had over the past two years, and to prepare for re-adjusting to a ‘normal’ life back home. This is a rather surreal experience, if anything, because in two weeks it will have been two years since I set foot on American soil (or set foot anywhere outside of Peru for that matter). At the same time, I don’t believe I feel the same angst about starting over back home as other volunteers do, mostly because I am applying to stay for a third year of service in Lima, and so the next step, assuming I get the job, is a comparatively easy one.

Entering these final months of service in my community has also caused me to spend a significant amount of time reflecting on what exactly it is that I have been doing here in Peru for these past two years. Have I made any impact? Was it worth it for myself personally? These are hard questions to answer. Measuring the impact I’ve had here is difficult if not impossible just because of the nature of development work itself. It’s almost impossible to say with any degree of certainty if any of the work I’ve done is at all worthwhile, a difficult reality to face. And as for myself personally… well, I always have a hard time looking back and evaluating how I have grown and changed. As I develop a person, these developments become internalized and then it’s hard to say when and why I became the person I am. I’ve taken up journaling as a way to try to keep track of this better, but at the present I am just left with a faint optimism that, yes, I have grown from this experience, although the growth might not present itself until I am back home trying to re-adjust to my old life again.
Finally, with just a few months to go, I’ve become mildly anxious about the projects I have been working on. Although from a certain perspective, it seems as though I’ve been a fairly successful volunteer, I still look back and have a hard time pinpointing exactly what I’ve done. My hope is that I’ve done just enough… that is to say just enough to get the projects started and not so much that they are dependent on my presence to continue. I think that is ultimately the goal of good development work, but it’s so hard to know if I’ve done it right. And on top of all of this, the projects I am working on still have so far to go before I feel comfortable leaving them to run alone. These last few months will be quite busy, but hopefully this will bring my service’s end closer, I can’t wait to be home for Christmas.

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Hi friends,

As I’m finishing up my Peace Corps service I am doing one last “big” project to support my community. Unlike other projects this one needs funding from donations in the states.

The total cost of the project is $2,000 which will be used to buy everything the children in my school need to be clean. This includes soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, trash cans, etc. and it also includes funds to help the school build an efficient wood-burning stove and to build ‘cleaning corners’ in each classroom where the students will be able to practice good hygiene with their professors every single day. The community where I live is actively supporting this project and has agreed to an annual raise in tuition in order to make the project sustainable once I am gone.

Your support is greatly appreciated, and in order to help you do not have to give much! Small donations of $5 – $25 are all this project really needs to be a success!

To give donations just visit this link on the official Peace Corps website and follow the easy instructions.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me!

If you have any issues with the donation process, contact Peace Corps directly at 202.692.2173 or 1.800.424.8580 x2173.

Finally, if you prefer snail mail, you can always write a check and send it to:

Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters
Peace Corps Partnership Program, OPSI
1111 20th Street NW
Washington DC 20526

Be sure to indicate the project number, 527-025, on the check so it will be applied to the correct project.

Thank you all for your support!


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